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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 21.10.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 760 of October 16, 2002 On the Subprogram "Provision of Housing to Participants in the Liquidation of Consequences of Radiation-Inflicted Accidents and Catastrophes" Incorporated As Part of the 2002-2010 Federal Directed Program "The Housing"

It defines basic activities and mechanisms of implementation of the subprogram whose goal is to ensure the exercise of legislatively declared rights of individual categories of citizens. The subprogram is expected to provide housing by using the federal budget funds to no less than 3,4 thousand families of participants in the liquidation of consequences of radiation-inflicted accidents and catastrophes, of citizens who were evacuated (re-settled) or voluntarily moved out of settlements affected by radioactive contamination caused by radiation-inflicted accidents and catastrophes and of citizens of high-risk categories.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 756 of October 11, 2002 On Undertaking in 2002-2003 of Governmental Purchasing Interventions To Regulate the Market of Grain

With the objective to support Russia's agricultural producers and to regulate the market of grain in 2002-2003 provision is made for the governmental purchasing interventions with respect to the 3rd and 4th class soft food-grade wheat and A-group food-grade rye of the 2002 harvest produced in the territory of the Russian Federation.
It fixes the levels of prices to be used in purchasing the grain from Russia's agricultural producers.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 971 of October 9, 2002 On the Endorsement of the Procedure for Granting to Involuntary Re-Settlers of Uncompensated Subsidies Towards the Construction or Purchasing of Housing

It establishes the rules on granting to involuntary re-settlers of an uncompensated subsidy towards the construction or purchasing of housing by using the federal budget funds. The subsidy shall be granted to involuntary re-settlers by divisions for affairs of migration under interior ministries, chief administrations, interior departments of the subjects of the Russian Federation by order of priority under a consolidated list of involuntary re-settlers put on the register with the bodies of local self-administration as those in need of the improvement of housing conditions (or permanent housing).
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 11, 2002. Registration No. 3863.

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