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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 23.10.2002

Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1205 of October 18, 2002 On the Release and Realization of Movable Property That Is In Operative Administration of Some Bodies, Agencies and Enterprises

It prescribes the realization of the movable property that has become morally obsolete or is not used according to its designation or is unused or put out of operation that is in operative administration of bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, agencies and treasury enterprises incorporated within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the State Fire-Fighting Service of the Emergency Situations Ministry of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the crime-fighting and penalty execution system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, federal bodies of the tax police, customs bodies of the Russian Federation and bodies of the federal courier service.
The said bodies have been entrusted with a task to conduct in 2002 stock-taking and check-up of the use of the movable property that is in operative administration.

Order of the State Fishery Committee of Russia No. 392 of October 4, 2002 On Amending the List of To-Be-Licensed Types of Activities Related to Industrial Fishery and Fish-Farming

It cancels from the list Item "Taking Over and Transportation of Catches of Fish, Other Water Animals and Plants, Products of Their Processing, Other Ship-Born Cargoes, All Types of Servicing in the Sea of Fish-Catching Vessels and Also the Towing of Floating Objects By Vessels Registered with Marine Fishing Ports.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 18, 2002. Registration No. 3866.

Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-05/547 of October 8, 2002 On the Introduction of Changes and Amendments into Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-05/49 of February 1, 2002

The amendments into the procedure for filling-in the estimation of advance payments under the single social tax on persons making payments to individuals reflect the changes in the tax legislation made in connection with the adoption of Federal law No. 104-FZ of July 24, 2002. In particular, account is taken of the provision to the effect that the taxpayers who were switched over to the single tax on imputed income in respect of certain types of activity are exempt from payment of the single social tax. It specifies a procedure for filling-in the Estimation to taxpayers who are conducting, along with the business activity liable to the single tax on imputed income, also other types of business activity.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 18, 2002 Registration No. 3865.

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