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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 23.09.2003

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 586 of September 19, 2003 On the Requirements To the Administrator-in-Bankruptcy Candidate in the Case On Strategic Enterprise or Organization Bankruptcy

It lays down the requirements concerning the work record, education and experience of work of the administrator-in- -bankruptcy candidate in the case associated with strategic enterprise or organization bankruptcy.
It decrees that in respect of individual strategic enterprises and organizations the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to impose additional requirements to the candidate of administrator in bankruptcy.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 580 of September 17, 2003 On the Approval of Regulations On the Putting On Records of Ownerless Immovable Things By the Agencies of Justice Conducting State Registration of the Rights To Immovable Property and Transactions Therewith

It regulates the issues concerning the putting on and taking off records of ownerless immovable things.
Placed on records shall be objects of immovable property that have no owners or whose owners are unknown or the right of ownership for which have been renounced by the owners. It specifies the forms of extracts to be made from the Single State Register of the Rights on the putting on records of an object of immovable property.

Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Power of the Russian Federation No. 365 of September 2, 2003 On the Approval of the List of a Minimum of Work (Services) in the Peat Industry To Be Secured In the Period of Strikes At Organizations, Branches and Representative Offices Whose Activity Is Associated With the Safety of People, the Safeguarding of Their Health and Vital Interests of Society

It defines the types of work (services) in the peat industry the execution (or provision) of which shall be guaranteed in the period of strikes conducted at organizations, branches and representative offices whose activity is associated with the safety of people, the safeguarding of their health and vital interests of society.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in September 18, 2003. Registration No. 5085.

Letter of the Tax Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 04-02-05/7/1 of August 29, 2003

It clarifies that the provision imposing restrictions on the application of the easy system of taxation by organizations in which the share of other organizations' direct participation exceeds 25 per cent, applies to the participation of organizations, rather than the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or municipal formation.
The restrictions shall not apply to the right to switch over to the easy system of taxation of state-owned and municipal unitary enterprises.

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