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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 3.12.2004

Federal Law No. 144-FZ of November 30, 2004 on the Amendment to Article 10 of the Federal Law on the Justices of the Peace in the Russian Federation

Specifies that reimbursement of expenses covered from the federal budget in cases processed by the justices of the peace is carried out through the bodies of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 709 of December 1, 2004 on the Non-Application of the Rate of the Import Customs Duty for Tin Ores and Concentrates

The rate of the import customs duty in the amount of 5% of the customs cost endorsed by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 830 of November 30, 2001 does not apply to tin ores and concentrates (code according to the Foreign-Trade Commodity Nomenclature of Russia 2609 00 000 0).

The Decision is entered into force one months after the day of its official publication for 9 months.

Order of the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement No. 101 of September 24, 2004 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Organisation of Issue of Decisions by the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement for Trans-Border Shipment of Ozone Destructing Substances and Products Containing Them

Decisions permitting to import and export from the Russian Federation ozone destructing substances and products containing them are issued by the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement. The Order lists the documents submitted by the applicant to obtain the decision. The period of examination of the submitted documents must not be greater than 30 days from the day of registration of the application for the given decision with all necessary documents.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 2, 2004. Reg. No. 6162.

Order of the Federal Service of Financial Markets, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation No. 04-601/pz-n/293/507/149 of November 2, 2004 on the Commission for Commodity Exchanges of the Federal Service of Financial Markets

The Commission is created to control the activities of commodity exchanges, commodity sections of currency and stock exchanges, as well as exchange intermediaries and exchange brokers committing futures and option transactions in exchange trade.

The Commission shall issue the licenses for organisation of exchange trade, license or control the licensing of exchange intermediaries, exchange brokers, process the appeals of participants of exchange trade against the abuse and violation of the legislation in exchange trade.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2004. Reg. No. 6158.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 96n of November 1, 2004 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Tax Declaration for the Uniform Imputed Income Tax for Individual Types of Activities and the Instruction on the Procedure of Its Application

Endorses the form of the tax declaration for the uniform imputed income tax for individual types of activities (KND Form 1152016) and its filling Instruction.

The declaration is submitted by the taxpayers as a result of the tax period no later than the 20th of the first month of the following tax period.

The Order applies beginning with the estimates for the IV quarter of 2004.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2004. Reg. No. 6153.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 97n of November 1, 2004 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Tax Declaration for the Gambling Tax and the Instruction on the Procedure of Its Application

Endorses the form of the tax declaration for the gambling tax (KND Form 1152011) and its filling Instruction.

The Order applies beginning with the estimates for the November of 2004.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2004. Reg. No. 6152.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1518-U of November 19, 2004 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 205-P of December 5, 2002 on the Rules of Accounting Work in Credit Organisations Located on the Territory of the Russian Federation

The Chart of Accounts of credit organisations is extended to include the new Active Account 47901 "Assets Handed over in Trust Control" and the Passive Account 47902 "Reserves for Possible Losses". The accounts are intended for the recording by the credit organisation having engaged in the management of assets handed over in trust control, as well as the reserves for possible losses created for these assets.

The handing over of assets is recorded by the credit organisation having engaged in the management on the debit of the account used to register the assets handed over in trust control and on the credit of accounts used to register appropriate assets at the cost they were registered at on the date of entry into force of the contract of trust control. A confirmation of the reception of the property handed over in trust control for the credit organisations having engaged in the management is the notification of the entry of the property in the records from the trust control manager or the initial registration document with the mark "Trust Control" (copy of the way-bill, act of acceptance etc.).

The Direction is entered into force 10 days after the day of its publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2004. Reg. No. 6150.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 257 of November 22, 2004 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Public Health of Russia No. 328 of August 23, 1999 on the Rational Assignment of Medicines, Rules of Issue of Prescriptions for Them and the Procedure of Sale by Apothecary Institutions (Organisations)

The blank forms of prescriptions shall include Registration Form 148-1/u-04(l) and its filling Instruction. The Instruction on the procedure of storage of the blank forms of prescriptions is extended to include Form 305/u-1 "Logbook of Blank Prescription Forms 148-1/u-04(l) in the Medical Treatment and Prevention Institutions".

The Order is entered into force from January 1, 2005.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2004. Reg. No. 6148.

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