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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 15.10.2007

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1359 of October 11, 2007 on the Federal Agency for the Construction of Facilities of the State Border of the Russian Federation

The newly-established agency improving the structure of federal executive governmental bodies is intended to define and implement the state policy of equipping Russia's state border, for instance, by means of setting up and developing border check-points and supporting them and to act as a state customer in this field. It will be directed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The decree enters into force as of the date of its official publication.

Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication of the Russian Federation No. 108 of September 11, 2007 on Endorsing the Requirements Applicable to the Provision of Telegraph Communication Services in as Much as It Concerns the Receiving, Transmitting, Processing, Storing and Delivering of Telegrams

These Requirements set out a procedure for the provision of telegraph services in terms of the operational and technological processes and forms intended for specific types of message, and they are binding on all communication operators involved in telegraphy. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 10209 of October 1, 2007.

Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications No. 1182 of July 21, 2007 on Endorsing the List of Typical Archival Documents Produced as the Result of Organisations' Scientific, Technological and Production Activities Including Retention Periods

A new list of typical archival documents in the area of scientific, technological, production, design, construction and other activities is instituted to supersede the previous one adopted in the former USSR in 1988. It is intended for selecting documents for being sent to federal, regional and municipal archives to be permanently preserved there. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 10194 of September 27, 2007.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 525 of August 6, 2007 on Occupational Qualification Groups and on Endorsing Criteria for Classifying Trades of Workers and Positions of Clerical Workers under Occupational Qualification Groups

In accordance with the Labour Code of the Russian Federation basic salary and wage rates for employees of state and municipal institutions are set according to occupational qualification groups. Accordingly, criteria are established for classifying trades of workers and positions of employees under such groups with due regard to the type of economic activity and complexity of work in several categories. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 10191 of September 27, 2007.

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