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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 23.11.2010

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 475 of October 14, 2010 on the Adjustment of the Rates of Import Customs Duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for Individual Types of Foodstuffs

Introduces the zero rates for the import to the Customs Union of fresh and chilled potato, cabbage and buckwheat to be in effect from June 1, 2011.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 460 of November 18, 2010 on the Temporary Prohibition to Export Individual Types of Agricultural Produce from the Territory of the Russian Federation

The prohibition applies from January 2, 2011.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 458 of November 18, 2010 on the Adjustment of the Rate of Import Customs Duty of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for Green Rubber Compounds

Revises the rate of the import customs duty for green rubber compounds to make 0% of the customs cost.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 442 of September 20, 2010 on the Amendments to Section 2.26 of the Joint List of Goods Subject to Prohibitions or Restrictions in the Cases of Import or Export by Member-States of the Customs Union in the Framework of EurAsEC in Trade with Third Countries

Belorussian goods permitting to apply exclusive right in the cases of export from the territory of the Customs Union include now nitrogen fertilisers.

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