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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 5.12.2019

Federal Law No. 407-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation with the Purpose of Establishing a Prohibition to Act as a Founder (Member, Participant) of a Non-Profit Organisation to Persons with Respect to Whom a Decision Is Adopted to Freeze (Block) Funds or Another Property in Connection with Sufficient Grounds to Suspect Them of Involvement into Terrorist Activities

Federal Law No. 409-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amending Article 28.7 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation – the term of investigation of cases of illegal remuneration on behalf of a foreign organisation may be extended up to a year

Federal Law No. 410-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amendments to Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – experts will be punished for false testimony (including during checks on reports of crimes)

Federal Law No. 413-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amendments to Articles 7 and 15 of the Federal Law on Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases

Federal Law No. 414-FZ of December 2, 2019 o Amendments to Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law on Precious Metals and Precious Stones – the RF Ministry of Finance will develop price lists for the initial assessment of gemstones

Federal Law No. 415-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amendments to Article 12.3 of the Federal Law on the Transport Safety – transport security officers will be given stun guns

Federal Law No. 417-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amending Article 38 of the Federal Law on the Agricultural Cooperation

Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 2, 2019 on Amending Article 32 of the Federal Law on the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation – civil servants may be temporarily suspended from office while holding agency check

Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health Protection No. 01I-2906/19 of November 28, 2019 explains the new rules for introducing medicines for medical use into civilian circulation

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use No. 982/382 of September 17, 2019 on approval of the Administrative Regulations for rendering by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use of the state service for confirming production volumes planned for production and export from the Russian Federation (mineral raw materials) in connection with the execution of the production sharing agreement

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