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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 27.12.2019

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1764 of December 21, 2019 on state registration of vehicles - starting from the new year, motor vehicles will be registered in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate according to the new rules

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-8/528@ of October 16, 2019 on approval of the claim form for the transfer of taxes, insurance contributions, penalties, fines, advance payments, unified tax payments by individuals to the budget system of the Russian Federation

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-17/582@ of November 21, 2019 - a new list of jurisdictions with which the Federal Tax Service automatically exchanges financial information

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 649 of December 2, 2019 on approval of the Target Model of the digital educational milieu

Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 59 of December 24, 2019 on amending Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 24 of July 9, 2013 on the judicial practice in cases on bribery and other corruption crimes and Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 19 of October 16, 2009 on the case-law involving cases on abuse of official powers and on exceeding official powers

Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 58 of December 24, 2019 on judicial practice in cases of kidnapping, illegal deprivation of liberty and trafficking in persons

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