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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 7.12.2020

Information of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 2020 “The banking licence of the credit institution CB "Eurasian Investment Bank" LLC has been revoked”

Information of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 2020 “The banking licence of JSC MCB "DOM-BANK" was cancelled” - DOM-BANK joint stock company was liquidated by the decision of shareholders.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1978 of December 1, 2020 on the features of the application of the provisions of the Federal Law on Experimental Legal Regimes in the Area of Digital Innovations in the Russian Federation - Bodies providing public services, as well as authorised in the area of control and supervision, may become participants in experimental legal regimes.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1979 of December 1, 2020 on approval of the Rules for maintaining the register of experimental legal regimes in the area of digital innovations and access to it

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