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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 1.11.2001

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755 of October 30, 2001 on the Amendment to the List of Territories of the Russian Federation with Regulated Entry for Foreign Citizens

Extends the list of territories of the Russian Federation where the entry of foreign citizens must be coordinated by receiving organizations with the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 872 of August 31, 2001 on the Particulars of Issue of the Licenses for Processing of Commodities Outside the Customs Territory for Commodities of a Particular Category

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 26, 2001. Reg. No. 2990.
Lists the terms permitting to get the licenses for processing outside the customs territory of commodities earlier exempted from customs payments.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1020 of October 24, 2001 on the Amendments to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 757 of December 24, 1997

Changes the distribution of authority in control over the customs cost of coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated, and black tea between the customs bodies depending on the price of the commodity.
Also specifies the particulars of declaring of some types of teas and coffee.

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