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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 27.11.2001

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 811 of November 23, 2001 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Providing Service Housing Space to Citizens Employed in Works with Chemical Weapons

Citizens employed in works with chemical weapons that, because of the nature of their labor relations, must live in the vicinity of the place of work are provided with service housing space for the time of their work with these weapons by the administration of the object destroying the chemical weapons. If separate apartments are not available, the citizens, at their desire, may get leased housing space or get monthly monetary compensation for the leasing of the housing space (simultaneously with the monetary subsistence).

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1049-U of November 14, 2001 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 47-P of July 30, 1998 on the Procedure of Use of Reported Data of Credit Organizations in the Drawing Up of Consolidated Reports

The procedure of use of reported data of credit organizations in the drawing up of consolidated reports is provided in the new wording. The Direction specifies the particulars of application of the main principles of the general financial reporting work in the drawing up of consolidated reports, defines the procedure of filling out the consolidation card, logbook of mutual payments and other. Provides new examples of use of the data of credit organizations to draw up consolidated reports.
The Direction is entered into force from January 1, 2002.

Letter of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. 01-06/45626/AS-6-06/868@ of November 15, 2001 on the Procedure of Interaction of the Customs and Tax Bodies in the Customs and Tax Control in Cases of Commodity Declaring for the Export Regime

The endorsed procedure regulates the issues of registration by the tax body of the copies of invoices for subsequent submission of the necessary documentation by the exporter to the customs body. Endorses the form of the certificate handed out to the exporter to confirm the fact that production of exported commodities is his main type of activities. The mentioned certificate is issued within not more than 7 calendar days from the day of submission of the application of registration of the copies of invoices. The certificate is valid for presentation to the customs body carrying out customs registration of the appropriate commodities within three months from the day of its issue.

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