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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 5.11.2001

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 759 of November 1, 2001 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Dissemination of Periodicals on Subscription Basis

Beginning with January 1, 2002, introduces the new procedure of regulation of relations between subscribers and editorial boards, publishers, distributors proceeding from the subscription contract for periodicals. The main changes pertain to the procedure of drawing up, changing and abrogating of the subscription contract. The Decision introduces, in particular, the duty of the distributor to present to subscriber information not only on the name of the publication, but also on the terms of subscription, corporate name of the editorial board, place of getting additional information etc. Also specifies the right of the editorial board, publisher, distributor to increase the price of the subscription in case of significant growth in the price of the publication and price of delivery, as well as the cost of services rendered by third parties. In this case, the subscriber may be offered to raise the payment to the new price if such increase of the subscription price could not have been foreseen at the conclusion of the subscription contract. If the subscriber does not agree to raise the payment to the new price, the distributor may discontinue the subscription contract in a court.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 758 of November 1, 2001 on the State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production

Creates the Federal Agency of State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Complex under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. One of the main tasks of the Agency is control over observation of the procedure and terms of providing resources of the federal budget for the purposes of insurance in the sphere of agroindustrial complex.
The Decision also defines the terms and procedure of providing subsidies in 2001 at the expense of the resources of the federal budget to compensate for the part of expenses of agricultural producers to insure the crops of the cultures listed in the Decision. The subsidies are provided to finance 50% of the insurance contribution under the insurance contract concluded by producers with insurance organizations. The Decision lists the cases permitting to get the subsidy.

Decision of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 104 of August 31, 2001 on the Endorsement of the Method of Determination of the Average Market Cost of 1 Square Meter of the Total Dwelling Space for the Purposes of Calculation of the Amount of Free Subsidies and Loans for the Purchase of Dwelling Space by Citizens in Cases of Use of the Resources of the Federal Budget

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 30, 2001. Reg. No. 3001.
Defines the new mechanism of determination of the normative of the cost of 1 square meter of the total dwelling space for the purposes of calculation of the amount of free subsidies and loans for the purchase of dwelling space by citizens. The endorsed refined method replaces the Interim Method endorsed by the Decision of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 48 of May 18, 2000 and abandoned as having failed to undergo the state registration according to the established procedure. The main changes occurred in the determination of the average cost of 1 square meter of the total dwelling space for the subjects of the Russian Federation.

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