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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 1.09.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530 of August 31, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Functioning of Retail Trade Markets of Electric Power in the Transient Period of Reformation of the Electric Power Industry <br>

Endorses the rules of functioning of retail trade markets of the electric power industry in the transient period of reformation of the electric power industry and appropriate changes to the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of the functioning of retail trade markets of the electric power industry in the transient period.

Organisations selected as a result of the first contest for the right of activities as a guaranteed supplier shall fulfil the functions of the guaranteed supplier in each zone defined in compliance with the Rules beginning with January 1, 2008.

To provide for the failure-free functioning of the system of power supplies in the course of execution of decisions on the reorganisation by joint-stock companies fulfilling the functions of power-supply organisations, including the state (municipal) unitary enterprises of the power supply industry, on the creation of affiliated companies, their successors under all contracts for power supplies must get information on consumers, including the citizens getting power supplies without drawing up the contracts in writing, as well as the documents, information and information resources providing for a smooth continuation of execution of the contracts of power supplies, collection of payment under these contracts and the functioning of the system of control of consumption of electric power.

From the date of entry into force of the Decision, the procedure endorsed by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1 of January 5, 1998 shall not apply where it pertains to the termination or restriction of power supplies.

The Decision is entered into force from the date of official publication, except for Section IX of the Rules entering into force from January 1, 2008 and the provisions of Item 130 of the Rules defining the procedure of payment for the services of transfer of electric power, of operative dispatcher control and other services being an integral part of the process of supplies of electric power to consumers to be entered into force from January 1, 2007.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 529 of August 31, 2006 on the Improvement of the Procedure of Functioning of the Wholesale Market of Electric Power <br>

From September 1, 2006, supplies of electric power shall be arranged in volumes determined proceeding from the results of the functioning of the regulated sector and the free-trade sector of the wholesale market in the transient period of the reformation of the eclectic power industry.

Beginning with January 1, 2007, the sales of electric power at regulated prices shall be arranged on the terms of long-term contracts envisaged in the Rules of the wholesale market of electric power in the transient period.

In 2006, the guaranteed suppliers and power-supply organisations providing for power suppliers to natural persons shall participate in the sales of electric power at free (non-regulated) prices.

In 2006, the regulated tariff rates shall amount to double the rates specified for the year 2006 for the subjects of the wholesale market located on the territories of appropriate subjects of the Russian Federation.

The functions of control of activities of the administrator of the sales system are vested in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and the Federal Service of Tariff Rates of Russia.

The Decision is entered into force from the date of its official publication, except for the provisions on the requirements to the participants of the wholesale market and the norms of operative dispatcher control of technological regimes of work of objects of the electric power industry.

The Ministry of the Industry and Power Supplies of Russia, the Federal Service of Tariff Rates of Russia, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia are ordered to work out normative acts providing for application of the Rules of the wholesale market of electric power in the transient period.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 244 of August 17, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Technical Certificate of the Object of Personal Housing Construction and the Procedure of Its Drawing up by the Organisation (Body) in Charge of the Registration of Objects of Immovable Property <br>

Endorses the form of the technical certificate of the object of personal housing construction, as well as the procedure of its drawing up by the organisation (body) in charge of the registration of objects of immovable property, specifying the rules of drawing up of the cover sheet and the sections of the technical certificate. The mentioned document is necessary for the implementation of the "law on the countryside cottage amnesty" (Federal Law No. 93-FZ of June 30, 2006 (on the amendments to some of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the registration according to the simplified procedure of the rights of citizens for individual objects of immovable property).

In the presence of the cadastral plan of the land plot where the object of personal housing construction is located, preparation of the site plan is carried out by the technical inventory organisation where it pertains to the lacking measurements of outer dimensions of objects of capital construction. In the presence of the cadastral plan of the land plot, the technical inventory organisation is not permitted to repeat the measurements of the land plot where the object of personal housing construction is located. Preparation of the site plan is arranged from on-site measurements while adding all available buildings, structures and boundaries of facilities (yard, garden, plantations etc.).

An estimate sheet is drawn up to enter in the technical certificate parameters and inventory cost of the object of personal housing construction.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 30, 2006. Reg. No. 8182.

Order of the Federal Registration Service No. 146 of August 29, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Form of Excerpt from the Inventory Ledger of the Right for the Land Plot Available with the Citizen <br>

The Federal Law No. 93-FZ of June 30, 2006 introduced from September 1, 2006 a simplified procedure of privatisation of individual objects of immovable property and registration of the proprietary right for them. Such objects include also land plots provided for personal auxiliary use.

The state registration of the proprietary right for the mentioned land plots granted before the entry into force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, or if the documents of title do not permit to identify the type of the right used to provide them, is carried out also on the basis of the excerpt from the inventory ledger.

The Order endorses the form of the excerpt from the inventory ledger of the proprietary right for the land plot available with the citizen handed out by the body of local government.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 30, 2006. Reg. No. 8183.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 232 of August 15, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Declaration of the Object of Immovable Property <br>

Endorses the form of the declaration of the object of immovable property.

According to the Federal Law No. 93-FZ of June 30, 2006 simplifying the procedure of registration of the rights of citizens for the land plots, homes, countryside cottages, garages, the state registration of the proprietary right for the object of immovable property not requiring a permission for construction (reconstruction) shall be carried out on the basis of the declaration of such object of immovable property. The mentioned declaration confirms the fact of creation of the object of immovable property on the land plot intended for cottages or gardening or the fact of creation of the garage or another object of immovable property and contains the description of such object of immovable property.

The declaration shall include information on the address (place of location) of the object, type (name), destination, area, number of flours, including the underground ones, year of creation, material of the outer walls of the object of immovable property, its connection to engineering support networks, cadastral number of the land plot where such object of immovable property is located.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 30, 2006. Reg. No. 8181.

Order of the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement No. 682 of July 13, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Requirements to the Registration of Objects in the State Register of Hazardous Industrial Objects and to the Keeping of This Register <br>

The State Register is a joint databank containing information on hazardous industrial objects operated by legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration of objects in the State Register is arranged to keep information on hazardous industrial objects and their operating organisations. The registration is vested in the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement, as well as other federal bodies of executive power entitled to register objects operated by their subordinate organisations. The Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement shall keep the State Register including the agency and territorial sections.

The hazardous industrial objects shall include objects obtaining, using, processing, forming, storing, transporting flammable, oxidising, explosive, toxic substances, using stationary cargo loading mechanisms, excavators, ropeways, funiculars, obtaining smelts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys on the basis of such smelts, carrying out mining works, works of enrichment of mineral resources, as well as the works in the underground, using equipment working under the pressure greater than 0.07 MPa with the water heating temperatures greater than 115°C.

The requirements specify new time limits for the registration of hazardous industrial objects, expands the list of documents submitted for the registration, introduces new forms of documents used in the keeping of the register (applications, registration cards, certificates of registration).

The previous procedure of registration of objects in the State Register of Hazardous Industrial Objects and of the keeping of the Register endorsed by the Decision of the State Mining and Industrial Supervision Agency of Russia No. 39 of June 3, 1999 shall not apply.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2006. Reg. No. 8176.

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