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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 19.05.2008

Federal Law No. 75-FZ of May 16, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Ecological Expert Evaluation and Articles 49 and 54 of the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Design documentation for the objects intended for construction, reconstruction and capital repair on the lands of the specially protected natural territories is subject not only to the state expert evaluation but also to the state ecological expert evaluation.

Federal Law No. 74-FZ of May 16, 2008 on the Amendments to Articles 3.5 and 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation

The stealing of property is of minor amount implying administrative responsibility if the cost of the stolen property is up to Rbl 1000.

Federal Law No. 73-FZ of May 16, 2008 on the Amendment to Article 32 of the Federal Law on the Obligatory Insurance of Civil Liabilities of Owners Transport Vehicles

Until December 31, 2008, suspends the authority of the customs bodies to control the presence of insurance policy with the owners of automobiles imported to the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 71-FZ of May 16, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Eurasia Economic Community on the Terms of Stay of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasia Economic Community on the Territory of the Russian Federation

Specifies the legal status of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 797 of May 15, 2008 on the Immediate Measures to Eliminate Administrative Restrictions for Entrepreneurial Activities

The Government of the Russian Federation is ordered to work out and introduce in the State Duma within 2 months a number of draft laws to create favourable conditions for business.

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