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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 3.07.2012

Federal Law No. 98-FZ of June 30, 2012 on the Amendments to Articles 1 and 5 of the Federal Law on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Invalidation of the Federal Law on Restrictions of Retail Sale and Consumption (Drinking) of Beer and Beverages Made on Its Basis

Permits to use concentrated grape mash in production of table wines, specifies the deadlines for carriers of ethyl alcohol to get licenses.

Federal Law No. 97-FZ of June 29, 2012 on the Amendments to Part 1 and Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Article 26 of the Federal Law on the Banks and Banking Activities

Refines certain taxation procedures.

Federal Law No. 96-FZ of June 29, 2012 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Refines the legislation pursuant to the changing of the borders of Moscow

Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 17 of June 28, 2012 on the Processing by Courts of Civil Cases of Disputes in the Area of Protection of Consumer Rights

Provides new explanations for the above cases.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 649 of June 28, 2012 on the Expert Evaluation in the Cases of Licensing Control of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products

Endorses the above procedures.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 114 of June 7, 2012 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the Provided State Service of Reception of Citizens, Timely and Complete Processing of Oral and Written Appeals of Citizens, Adoption of Decisions on Them and Sending Replies to Applicants within the Deadlines Specified in the Legislation of the Russian Federation

Introduces a new such regulation.

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