A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025
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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation
Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.09.2002
Federal Constitutional Law No. 5-FKZ of September 27, 2002 on Amending the Federal Constitutional Law on the Referendum of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 119-FZ of September 27, 2002 on Amending Article 11 of the Federal Law on the Basic Guarantees of Electoral rights and the Right to Participation in a Russian Federation Referendum
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1096 of September 29, 2002 on Drafting Citizens of the Russian Federation in the Months of October - December, 2002 for Undergoing Military Service and on Discharging from Military Service the Citizens Who Undergo Military Service under Draft
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 704 of September 25, 2002 on the Prolongation from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2004 of the Effective Term of the Double Control System without Quantitative Limits on the Exportation from the Russian federation to the Member-States of the European Community of Some Steel Articles Subject to Agreements on the Formation of the European Community and the European Coal and Steel Union
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 95n of September 26, 2002 on Amending the Terms and Conditions for the Issuance of and Trading in Federal Fixed-Coupon Yield Federal Loan Bonds Endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 65n of August 16, 2001 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, reg. No. 3024 of November 12, 2001)
Order of the Federal Securities Market Commission No. 1124/r of September 18, 2002 on Endorsing the Methodological Recommendations for Keeping Internal Record of Deals, in Particular, Time Deals and Transactions in Securities, for the Professional Participants in the Securities Market Pursuing Brokerage, Dealership and Securities Management Activities
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