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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 10.04.2009

Order of the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 84 of February 27, 2009 on the Endorsement of the Form of the License and Application for the License

The Ministry of the Industry and Trade of Russia issues licenses for export and import operations with individual types of goods.

Order of the Federal Fishing Agency No. 143 of February 25, 2009 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Distribution of Industrial Quotas of Fresh Water Objects among the Subjects of the Russian Federation

Introduces a new procedure of distribution among the subjects of the Russian Federation of industrial quotas for the catch of aquatic bioresources in fresh-water objects of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 329 of February 25, 2009 on the Amendments to the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia No. 750 of August 9, 2006

Introduces a number of new requirements to the outfit, construction and planning of the special economic zone.

Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 1656 of December 23, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Customs Service on the Execution of the State Function of Introduction of Special, Simplified Procedures of Customs Registration for Individual Persons

The Federal Customs Service and its subordinate customs offices introduce simplified procedures of customs registration for the parties importing commodities to the customs territory of Russia and assuming the duty of release of commodities.

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